Sunday, February 21, 2010

SitStand Long Panel

Our next assignment for computer animation is the "Sit Stand" - basically a character has to enter the scene, sit down, get up, and leave the scene. And of course the has to be some sort of story. My "sit stand" is going to be about "Jauqe," a bear who's traveled to The States from France to direct a romance film. The star actors in Jaque's film turn out to be amateurs and in a fit of artistic frustration, he storms off the set.

We're modeling our own characters and sets for this project, and it's supposed to take up the majority of the semester so we're doing a lot more preproduction and planning than we have for most of our other projects. This week, we had to create a long storyboard panel showing the key beats of our stories. The idea behind the long panel was that we'd get used to story boarding like animators (ie. focusing on action more heavily instead of just story) Here's mine along with a couple cleaner drawings of the character.

-Basically the bear walks in and signals to the clapboard guy off-screen.
-The clapboard claps in front of the camera(not shown)
-He then sits down and the as the actors' dialogue starts, he sighs
-The actors continue and he sighs a second time, harder and gets up off the chair in an angry huff
-As he's walking the actors try to resume their dialogue and he cuts them off yelling,
"With passion, with PASSION!" (except he's a bear so he's actually just yelling "Rawrgrlararr")
and gesturing with his hands.
-He then storms off the set.


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